Thursday, May 4, 2017

About Seahorses

Sea Horses
Sea horses are sea animals they are NOT horses but they do live in the sea. Sea horses live in four common places, they live in the sun 
light zone, warm ocean water, near mangrove trees, grass bed. They have an endoskeleton, a snout, a curled tail,  a dorsal fin, pectoral fin and more (see picture). An adult seahorse can get about 1foot/12inches/30cms. The baby seahorse is smaller than an inch. The seahorses eat brine shrimp and small fish. They live from 1 to 5 years. They have a curled tail so they hold onto anything so they don't get swooped away.
Image result for life cycle of a seahorse
Image result for parts of a seahorse
Parts of a male & a female